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Frequently Asked Questions

​1. What is the name & location of the project?  

City Hall Complex Renovation - Local Contractors and Workers Initiative (CHCR-LCWI), located at the vicinity of New Street and N.Munn Avenue.

2. What is the purpose of the project?
To provide the City of East Orange and its citizens with modern, energy efficient and attractive stable buildings for office space and adaptive uses within Downtown.

3. Have construction drawings, plans and specifications been completed? No.
An Architect and Building Inspections Services Manager have been hired and working with the City since 2011.  Construction drawings, plans and specifications are expected to be completed in the coming months and pre bid and bid meetings will follow shortly thereafter.


4. Will these documents be available to the public? Yes.

All appropriate documents are to be available to the public but there will be a charge to those who wish to purchase plans and specifications. There will be free viewing of those documents by appointment for those who wish to do so.

5. When and where can I purchase a set of construction drawings?
There will be public notices that identify the process to purchase documents.

Are there costs involved? Yes.
The process has not yet been fully determined but every courtesy will be made to insure that all project related documents are accessible by all interested parties.


6. Who are the points of contact for the project?   
The Department of Public Works and the Procurement Department.


7. Will the project provide contractual and job opportunities for those who express an interest? Yes.
Every attempt is being made to insure transparency as it relates to contract and job opportunities on the project.  In addition to pre bid meetings on each work package that is advertised, the City intends to provide construction information and technical assistance workshops to help advance these opportunities.  Mayor’s Office of Employment and Training will conduct a Job Bank specifically related to this Project and focused on East Orange residents and others. 


8. How does a vendor, contractor, worker or interested party become engaged with the process to sell their product, services, bid and/or negotiate for a contract on agreement?  
All interested parties are encouraged to attend all outreach activities about the project.  There will be different methods and procedures to both get and offer information about your interest in contracts or employment by those who are contracted. 


9. How does a worker seek work on the project?  
Immediate contact should be made with Mayor’s Office of Employment and Training (MOET), M.J. Peterson, Manager, (973)677-8914.


10. How does an interested party discover more information about the project?
Interested parties should check the City and other related websites, read the local newspapers and look for other notices in the regular mail.


11. What types of companies and types of occupational trade classifications are best suited for the project?
The project calls for construction firms that are primarily engaged in the following trades:
• General Contracting, Interior Trades
• Roofing
• Flooring
• Painting
• Drywall, Ceiling Work
• Foundations
• Demolition
• Sitework
• Trash, Waste Management
• Mechanical, Electrical. Plumbing
• Site Safety
• Scaffolding
• Construction Management
• Trucking

Mayor’s Office of Employment and Training will seek to make available to all contracted firms a ready list of skilled, semi and unskilled workers to interview and hire.


12. What is the duration of the project?  Start date?  Completion date?
The project is expected to be fully underway by Early Fall 2012. The project is expected to last two years at an estimated value of 16 million dollars.


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